“The Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies.”

Albert Einstein

Are you hurting all over, stressed to exhaustion, or dealing with numerous physical challenges?
These issues often come from cells in the body not functioning properly.

How can you get your body to feel good again?
A simple way to boost your body’s natural healing is by activating its innate ability for cell repair and regeneration, often referred to as its “SuperPower”

By doing this, you help your body overcome obstacles when it’s hurt or sick!

Improving microcirculation promotes better blood flow, reducing discomfort, inflammation, and aiding tissue repair by enhancing nutrient and oxygen absorption. Enhancing geomagnetism, the magnetic force vital for cells, could provide a gentle yet effective path to wellness. It may help with the autonomic nervous system, improve oxygen use in cells, and relieve long-term health issues.

As you can see, when provided with proper support, your body’s organs can heal, relieve suffering, slow down the aging process, and restore health, allowing you to Feel Good Again!



A little-known and underrated fact, especially when it comes to our health and well-being, is that once the Earth’s geomagnetic field reached a certain strength, it became an essential ingredient for the thriving nature of living beings, serving as a natural shield against external disruptions. Unfortunately, living in concrete buildings and riding in steel vehicles can disconnect us from the Earth’s natural magnetism.

As NASA, through their groundbreaking research in space medicine, discovered, this limited exposure could lead to problems with blood flow, nerves, and even cognitive issues, creating long-term health challenges.

Like sunlight, wind, water, and nutrition, a robust geomagnetic field is crucial for our survival and well-being, earning it the title of the Fifth Essential Element of Life, a designation recognized especially by organizations like NASA.


~ Dr. Jerry Tennant

Have you ever heard of cellular voltage?

It’s like a charger for cells, providing electricity. Alongside geomagnetism, it’s part of electromagnetic properties crucial for cell function and overall health.

It’s crucial because it plays a major role in ensuring our bodies function properly. For instance, cells lacking the correct cellular voltage tend to clump together, whereas cells with the appropriate charge can flow freely, which is vital for restoring and sustaining health.

Cellular voltage is essential for the functioning of our cells, our ability to recover from illness, and our overall health. Maintaining the right level of cellular voltage is vital for our overall health and our ability to recover from illness. It serves as a crucial factor in illness prevention and supports your natural healing process.

Bottom line: If your cells don’t have adequate voltage, they can’t metabolize oxygen or absorb nutrients.

OlyLife Tera-P90

The OlyLife Tera-P90 is an advanced wellness device that harnesses Terahertz Frequency and Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) technologies.

By using the P90 for 30 minutes a day, your body can

  • Activate – Dormant Cells
  • Eliminate – Unhealthy Cells, and Cold & Dampness from the Body
  • Remove – Toxins, Waste, and Body Humidity
  • Promote – Body Contouring and Metabolism
  • Enhance – Blood Flow and Microcirculation
  • Relieve – Inflammation, Pain, Fatigue
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When Terahertz (THz) frequency waves team up with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), it’s like the dynamic duo for your body. They work together in a special way to boost your body’s ability to heal itself. It’s like giving your natural healing powers a supercharged kick start!

Terahertz Frequency Waves: This frequency is a lot like the natural vibrations of your healthy cells. When it flows through your body, it preserves and enhances your normal cells. It helps keep them in tip-top shape, wakes up the sleepy ones, and even removes the abnormal and damaged cells.

PEMF, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy: Think of this as a balancing act for your body’s own electromagnetic field. It helps keep everything in harmony and balance. It’s like a battery charger for the cells. It uses the electromagnetic field to help restore your body’s ability to heal itself naturally from the inside out. This proven technique supports tissue repair and reduces inflammation.

So, you’ve got this incredible duo, Terahertz and PEMF, working together to support your body’s well-being in one easy-to-use and convenient device for the whole family!



The combined effects of THz Frequency Waves and PEMF Therapy are believed to impact several aspects of health, including:

Transform your health at a cellular level

Olylife Solutions