Ailments Before P-90:
• Pain – Hips and legs
• Spinal Arthritis
• Swelling
• Went from very active to rapid deterioration
• Cortisol injections didn’t work
Read her incredible results after only 3 days!
This year Terry deteriorated suddenly and severely. I couldn’t believe how fast it happened and how soon she went from being very mobile to requiring a mobility scooter. When Terry is out of the scooter, she walks with her legs quite wide apart, leaning to one side and a bit forward. It is obvious the pain she is in as she moves. Terry however always maintained her bright happy personality, and now carries her dog in a basket on the front of her scooter as she travels around.
Terry saw her doctor and a specialist and was given 2 injections of cortisone which failed to help at all. I thought I could help her and suggested a product I was using at the time that I had good success with. She paid almost $2000 AUD for it, and it was using it daily and it also did nothing of note for her. I was upset for her, as she has been in pain all day and night and nobody had any answers for her.
When I heard of this new device my first thought was of Terry and whether it could help her. Once I had saved enough to purchase, I told Terry about it, and that I would lend it to her initially to see if did anything to help, and if it did, she would never need to purchase one, as after I trialled it on a few different people I would have it in my shop every day and she could come there to use it.
I knew of the technology as I have used similar, but no matter what you read about a product or testimonials, you never really know what it can do until you try it. I have spent money on products in the past that did nothing, and on others that were great, but had limitations. I was however very hopeful, and knew I would be either extremely excited or very disappointed depending on how Terry reacted to it.
When I received it I took it into work and had Terry come down so we could have a look at it and I could set it up for her to have the first session. She used it for 30 mins, as that is the time per session. After she finished, she stood up with difficulty and said,” I’m always like this when I get up after sitting.” Within a minute she then said, “I can feel myself starting to loosen up.” I didn’t want to get too excited, and I told Terry after work I’d take it to her home and set it up to leave it there for the 3 days.
By the time I got to Terry’s home, she told me she had no pain other than a little niggle in one hip. I was gobsmacked. She also said she thought she wanted to purchase one of her own. I asked her to wait the 3 days and see how she went for that period. Of course I also told her she would never have to purchase as I would have mine available. As she moved around her unit she did say the pain was starting up again, but to me that would be expected. Nothing can be an instant miracle cure for a chronic debilitating injury or illness, but if there is a difference in such a short period of time, that is a great sign it is targeting the area, and over time I would expect a lot more improvement.
I spoke to Terry each day, and this afternoon she returned the unit and wanted to go ahead with a purchase. Even though mine is on offer Terry wants to have her own that she can use anytime day or night, and it probably better that she has that sort of access. Terry has managed to walk a little bit further each day, and it does cause pain when she does, but at least now she knows she can alleviate that pain. Today though, she said she wasn’t too bad, and the biggest thing I noticed was the change in the way she walked when she got up. Although not a normal walk, I surprised she was standing straighter and not leaning to the side. It will take a couple of weeks before she receives her device, and in between the loans I’ve got coming up I’ll try to give it to her for 24 hr periods to alleviate what pain she has.