Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy is non-invasive and safe. It is proven through extensive clinical trials to be
an effective therapy. All living organisms, including human cells, create magnetic fields. PEMF sends a vibrant and harmonic electromagnetic fields into the body.

The application of PEMF has shown to have favorable benefits on international standards. At least 3,000 double-blind studies conducted at the university level have found the positive effect of PEMF in improving a range of conditions. The United States Food and Drug Administration has already approved the use of PEMF therapy for conditions like brain cancer, depression and anxiety, bone fractures, and urinary incontinence.

NASA was awarded a US patent in 2009 for its research on PEMF. In addition to the NASA tissue repair patent, pulsed magnetic fields were found to stimulate the growth of stem cells. (Patent – US 7,601,114 B2)

Space exploration & their health risks

In the realm of space exploration, the Soviet space program pioneered early research on Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy. This initiative was sparked by the concerns surrounding the detrimental effects experienced by cosmonauts due to reduced magnetic exposure during spaceflight. Space, with its distinct magnetic environment, posed a challenge as the Earth’s magnetic field weakened with distance from the planet. In response, both the Russian and NASA space programs devised innovative solutions. They equipped their space capsules and suits with magnetic field generators, effectively replicating Earth’s magnetic field to counter the diminished magnetic strength in space.

Health Issues Astronauts Face:

  • Cardiac problems
  • Sleep deficiency
  • Hearing loss
  • Kidney stones
  • Weakened immune system
  • Radiation hazards
  • Vision loss
  • Cognitive problems

The Story of Gagarin

Shortly after Gagarin returned to Earth from space, he developed symptoms such as dizziness, headache, insomnia, fatigue, unstable blood pressure, dermatitis, joint pain, emotional irritability, endocrine disorders, and memory loss. Doctors could not determine the specific cause. After repeated arguments, scientists concluded that when the human body entered space, it was far away from Earth’s magnetic field, and the body experienced “magnetic starvation,” which made Gagarin suffer from a short-term “magnetic deficiency syndrome.”

Pemf & Nasa Research – Supported – Implemented

Over 30,000 studies, including 2,500 placebo-controlled, double-blind studies have proven the applicability and efficacy of PEMF using low frequency, low intensity, pulsed electromagnetic fields for human health and wellbeing. After a 4-year study led by Dr. Thomas Goodwin, PhD, of NASA, NASA concluded PEMF Therapy was the most effective therapy in healing and regeneration. This multiyear research study conducted by NASA is instrumental to healthcare and specifically healthcare services. Health is about healing injured, strained, or overworked tissue (muscles, ligaments, nerves, organs, etc.). Now that the research supports PEMF therapies in treating regeneration and therefore healing, we can utilize this amazing technology in healthcare practices. Implementing this technology into your recovery program will help maximize results in the timeliest fashion which technology can produce to-date.

Amidst the challenges faced by astronauts in space, including cardiac problems, sleep deficiency, weakened immune systems, and more, NASA diligently sought solutions. After various unsuccessful attempts, they discovered the potential of electromagnetic fields.

NASA’s Department of Medical Supervision and Medical Insurance orchestrated a comprehensive approach, mandating astronauts to undergo a three-month recovery period. This period allowed their physiological parameters to revert to their pre-flight state. Pioneering PEMF therapy emerged as a beacon of hope, not only enhancing cardiovascular systems and supporting organ function but also boosting endurance and alleviating post-flight fatigue. This breakthrough ensured astronauts could seamlessly transition back to terrestrial life.

In summary, NASA’s journey into PEMF therapy signifies a monumental leap in space medicine, offering hope and resilience to astronauts facing the challenges of space travel. Through innovative research and implementation, PEMF therapy stands as a testament to human ingenuity, ensuring a healthier future for those venturing beyond our planet’s boundaries.

NASA Patent

In 2009, NASA was awarded a US patent – US 7,601,114 B2 – for their research on PEMF.