Exploring the Profound Health Benefits of Terahertz Frequency

Step into the future of healing with OlyLife, where groundbreaking technology seamlessly merges with holistic wellness. Experience the transformative power of Terahertz Quantum Light Waves, exploring their extraordinary potential in revitalizing your cells, promoting natural healing processes, and enhancing overall well-being. OlyLife introduces a series of cutting-edge devices designed to work wonders: magically rejuvenating dead cells, nourishing healthy ones, and even promoting healing deep within the bones. Powered by TeraHertz Technology, these devices penetrate the body up to 20 – 30 centimeters beneath the skin’s surface, resonating with your cells’ frequencies at a million vibrations per second. This electromagnetic Terahertz technology represents a pivotal biophysical factor in addressing a myriad of disorders, ushering in a new era of health and vitality.

How does it work

Terahertz frequency waves align with the natural frequency of human cells, creating millions of vibrations each second, thus triggering the body’s innate self-healing capabilities.

With OlyLife, there are no intricate programs to select, no applications to install, and no complex software to navigate. It’s a straightforward device – just plug it in, power it on, and experience the benefits.

The Benefits of incorporating Terahertz frequency into our device consist of the following:

  1. Eliminates Unhealthy Cells
  2. Activates Dormant Cells
  3. Increases Self Healing Ability to the DNA Level
  4. Clears Meridian and Lymph Points
  5. Terahertz Improves Microcirculation of the Blood
  6. Regulates Endocrine Glands & Protect our Organs
  7. Removes Body Humidity (water retention)
  8. Cleanses Blood Impurities

Terahertz understanding the THz Gap

What is the THz gap?

The term “gap” is used because current scientific understanding has not yet integrated its potential into our existing technology.

Terahertz frequency does not emit ionizing radiation, which has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength, potentially leading to serious health issues such as genetic damage and various cancers.

Non-ionizing terahertz energy, on the other hand, is both safe and beneficial.

The physiological processes in our bodies are influenced by different materials beyond the typical flesh and blood we recognize.

Our skin, the body’s largest organ, contains a dense network of mechanoreceptors and nerve endings responsible for sensations like touch, pressure, vibration, pain, and heat. These networks also regulate blood flow within a few millimeters of the body, contributing to our body’s thermoregulatory functions.

How terahertz frequencies penetrate these intricate crystalline structures within our bodies determines the fundamental properties of the material comprising our being.

The versitily of terahertz frequency


Terahertz frequency can detect blockages, inflammation, and tumors within the body, often manifesting as pain, burning, or tingling sensations in problematic areas. This aligns with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where the presence of pain indicates the presence of blockages or imbalances in the body.

Principle : The principle behind the statement is that Terahertz frequency, with its unique ability to penetrate the skin deeply, up to 20-30 centimeters, has the capacity to reach even the bone marrow. In this context, when Terahertz frequency encounters blockage areas within the body, it can induce pain or discomfort, aligning with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which associate pain with blockages or imbalances in the flow of vital energy (qi) or other bodily functions that may require therapeutic intervention to restore harmony and well-being.

Eliminating unhealthy cells

After using terahertz frequency for a certain period, the theory is that tumors will gradually shrink and disappear, the pain will gradually lift

Principle : Terahertz wave vibration is the same with our normal cells, abnormal or mutated cells will absorb much of the Terahertz energy and will be eliminated. It is recommended to consume warm water before using Tera-P90 to help eliminate unhealthy cells

Activation of inerts cells

After using terahertz frequency, the body will feel more comfortable and energetic

Principle: Normal cells will absorb Terahertz energy and moderately increase in temperature and dormant cells will be activated.

According to Ancient Greek Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, If there’s a way to heat the bones, then all diseases can be treated.

Repairing of damage cells

Using terahertz frequency will help enhance regeneration of our cells.

Principle:Terahertz frequency has the same resonance with normal cells, It induces and strengthens the DNA organic molecules by enhancing self-repairing body cells

Clear lymphatic system

Using terahertz frequency will help to cleanse blood impurities and inner body, improve blood circulation, removing clots and soften our blood vessels

Principle: Terahertz wave dilates our blood vessels, reduces blood flow resistance and viscosity, improves blood circulation, and prevents diseases.

Clear meridians

Stimulate acupuncture points, improve Qi circulation, improve blood circulation, and increase metabolism rate

Principle: Terahertz frequency resonates with our normal cells, improve blood circulation, clear meridians and strengthen our body

Remove body humidity

Using terahertz frequency on our body will clear unnecessary body moisture, balance our body acid and alkaline

Principle : Normal cells will slightly absorb Tera Hertz energy and increase temperature moderately to warm our body and unhealthy body moisture will be cleared.


Terahertz waves operate within the realm of electromagnetic radiation, adhering to fundamental principles defined by energy laws. Specifically, they are governed by the laws of conservation of energy and the Planck-Einstein relation, which links the energy of electromagnetic waves to their frequency.

  1. Conservation of Energy: Terahertz waves, like all electromagnetic waves, follow the law of conservation of energy. This law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. When terahertz waves interact with the human body, they transfer energy to the biological tissues they penetrate. This energy transfer can influence cellular processes and is harnessed in various applications, such as imaging and medical treatments.
  2. Planck-Einstein Relation: According to the Planck-Einstein relation, the energy (E) of an electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to its frequency (ν) and is given by the equation E = hν, where h is Planck’s constant (a fundamental physical constant). Terahertz waves have frequencies in the terahertz range (around 10^12 Hz). As a result, they carry relatively low energy per photon compared to higher frequency waves like X-rays or gamma rays. This characteristic makes terahertz waves generally non-ionizing, meaning they do not have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules, making them safer for biological tissues

It’s important to note that while terahertz waves are non-ionizing and generally considered safe for biological tissues, the specific interactions between terahertz waves and the human body are complex and an active area of research. Researchers study these interactions to understand the potential therapeutic applications and ensure the safe use of terahertz technology in various fields, including medicine and telecommunications.